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We encourage you to join us Monday, February 17th at 5:30 PM for our "General Business" meeting (formerly our "Executive Committee" meeting.) We're seeking more feedback from our membership on some upcoming big events including planning protests and engaging with local politicians about the attacks on our Democracy from the Trump administration. This is the time to push back and be loud to protect our rights as American citizens.

So please join us:
527 S. Main St. Rocky Mount, VA 24088
at 5:30 PM on February 17th.

If you can not make it and would like to attend via Zoom, please email


Our Mission


The Franklin County Democratic Party and the Committee exist to facilitate and encourage the full participation of all Virginians in choosing their elected officials and controlling their political destiny.

Thin Stripes


We appreciate all donations to help our committee with its goal to find and support excellent Democratic candidates to run for office in Franklin County and our Virginia House and Senate Districts.
The Franklin County Democratic Committee works to highlight the importance and need for Democratic representation in our districts, to encourage participation in civic matters, and to provide a myriad of support options for those who wish to serve the public as a representative.

Get Involved!

Frustrated by not having a representative who represents YOU and your values? Angry about your rights and freedoms being taken with every Republican vote?
Franklin County needs folks like you to challenge the status quo and represent Democratic values in our districts- and the Franklin County Democratic Committee is here to help you do just that!


Join Us

We are always looking for new members and would love to have you join! We have both monthly committee meetings and once-a-month "Dining with Dems" dinners where our members gather to talk about the latest local and national happenings, as well inviting other local social advocacy groups to connect with us. We would love to have your help working to turn Franklin County BLUE!

Franklin County Democratic Committee Headquarters: 

527 S Main St. Rocky Mount, Virginia 24151
Phone: 540-238-7307

Voting Precincts Franklin County Elections Polling Locations - Bonbrook, Boones Mill, Bowmans, Burnt Chimney, Callaway, Coopers Cove, Dickinson, Dudley, Endicott, Ferrum, Fork Mountain, Glade Hill, Gogginsville, Henry, Hodgesville, Penhook, Rocky Mount East, Rocky Mount West, Rocky Mount South, Scruggs, Snow Creek, Sontag, Waidsboro

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